Producer Development Series - Class 1: Foundations of Effective Marketing and Sales Strategies

Hour 1 – Introduction to the importance of Seeing Enough People (Marketing) and Saying the Right Things

F.O.R. / what it means and why it’s important (finding out what matters to our prospects)
Agent’s Vision of Success, knowing where they want to go in their business
The Public’s view of insurance agents and our ethics, why understanding this matters
Personal and Professional goals

Hour 2 – Seeing Enough People

How to improve conversion ratios
Marketing segmentation
Marketing to Small Businesses
Defining the differences between Marketing, Prospecting & Advertising
Understanding the differences between Active and Passive Marketing

Hour 3 – What Makes the Agent Unique?

Agent’s value proposition
Difference between a Customer and a Client
Characteristics of agent’s average insured
Characteristics of Ideal insured
Marketing flow chart based on agent’s goals
Customer driven marketing
What are Ideal insured’s characteristics
How to turn a customer into a client and marketing steps to do so (cross marketing)